Microsoft Visual Studio Express - Official Site Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop lets you take full advantage of Windows with XAML designers, a productive IDE, and a variety of programming languages including C#, Visual Basic, and C++. Choose between Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF ...
Visual Studio Express You can use the tools in Visual Studio Express 2013 for Windows to create innovative and compelling Windows Phone and Windows Store apps on Windows ...
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Visual Studio - Microsoft Developer Tools Visual Studio is a comprehensive collection of developer tools and services to help you create apps for the Microsoft platform and beyond. ... Announcing the Visual Studio 2015 product line Visual Studio 2015 is the next release of our developer tool offe
Download Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 from Official Microsoft ... 2013年11月12日 ... 此更新是Visual Studio 2012 新增功能和錯誤修正之累加系列的最新更新。 ... 您 下載之ISO 映像的CRC 和SHA1 雜湊值應該符合下列值:. CRC: ...
Download Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 2012年9月7日 ... 您可以使用Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Desktop,在C#、Visual Basic 和C++ 中建置功能強大的桌面應用程式。 您可以以Windows ...
下載概觀 - Visual Studio 不論您的小組有多少人,或者專案有多複雜,由Team Foundation Server 支援的Visual Studio 2013 都能協助您將想法轉變成軟體。立即安裝並試用Visual Studio, ...
Visual Studio - Microsoft 開發人員工具 Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 現已上市! ... CSS, JSON)、Git 提取要求的支援、Azure WebJobs 的更新工具,以及新的GPU 使用量分析器。 檢視產品更新>> · 下載 ...
Visual Studio 2015 CTP fixed bugs and known issues Describes Visual Studio "14" CTPs that are now available. ... Bad files are introduced into the Git repository. Symptom When you download changes in a remote repository, your configuration file is replaced by a specially crafted file.